West Nile Virus


           Because mosquitos are the main reason for the West Nile Virus, it makes sense that the best way to prevent West Nile Virus Infection. There are many ways in which you can prevent being bit from mosquitoes. One of the easiest and best ways to prevent a mosquito bite is simply to buy insect repellant spray. Once you have the spray, you should spray your exposed skin as well as your clothing. Spraying your clothing is important because it will not only keep the mosquitoes away from you as a whole, but mosquitoes can also bite through clothing. The amount of active ingredient in the spray is also important. This active ingredient does not usually impact how well the spray works to keep away the mosquitoes, but instead affects how long the repellant will work. The more active ingredient a repellant has, the longer it will be effective. Make sure to get a a repellant with long enough effectiveness to protect you the entire time you are outdoors. Another measure that should be taken when outdoors to prevent mosquito bites is to wear long sleeve shirts and pants. Although mosquitoes can bite sometimes through clothes, they are still more likely to bite exposed skin, so pants and long sleeves will always help. Another way to prevent a mosquito bite on infants is to put a mosquito net over their carriage when they are outdoors. You can also prevent mosquitoes from getting inside by putting screens on your windows or doors.


You can also help reduce the number of mosquitoes that will be in areas outdoors by your house where you work or play. This can be done simply by draining sources of standing water. When you perform this simple task, you reduce the number of places mosquitoes can lay their eggs and breed. You should do this at least once or twice a week,  and its important to empty water from flower pots, pet food and water dishes, birdbaths, swimming pool covers, buckets, barrels, and cans. These are all areas where mosquitoes can breed and produce more mosquitoes. You should also check for clogged rain gutters and clean them out as well as remove discarded tires, and any other items that may collect water.

The main way that the West NIle Virus is prevented as a whole is through the integrated vector management programs. These programs will observe West Nile activity in all animals including birds and especially mosquitoes. They will then usually implement mosquito population control measures if needed. They will usually alert the citizens of the area where the West Nile Virus is found so they can also take safety measures.

- Stephen Nizzare